
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Bad News!

Hello people and I have bad news. I didn´t go to the school camp because of COVID-19. Since it is alert level 2 now you are not allowed gatherings of over 100 and at camp there is more than 100 people there. Now I am quite sad and disappointed that it got canceled but its whatever. Instead of camp we got to do fun activities at school. On Monday we did a touch tournament (I am not a big fan of touch). On Tuesday we went to the skate park which was very fun. On Wednesday I was sick so I don´t know what we did.

Overall, I am sad that I did not go to the camp. Let me know in the comments how sad you would be out of 10 if your camp got canceled. 1 being not sad at all and 10 being the most you have ever been.

Friday, August 7, 2020

School Camp!

 I have been extremely excited because on the 17th of August I am going to the school camp for 3 days in Living Springs. I have never ever been away from home for that long but I think I will really enjoy myself. I have heard that there are lots of amazing activities you get to do including: the Monorail, Swimming, Archery, bird Watching and so much more! I will let you know on the 20th of August to tell you how much I enjoyed it!  

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

My Trip To the Antarctic Centre

Yesterday I went to the International Antarctic Centre to be a penguin keeper for the day.

I got to go into lots of areas that the public don't get to go in including the penguin enclosure. The penguins have to have a vitamin tablet everyday and I had to put a pretend tablet in a dead fish. I had gloves on but it was still very gross! I also watched a 4D movie and go in the ice room to experience an ice storm. I got to pet the huskies too. They were SO cute! I also got a ride in the hagglund.

So a very busy start to the holidays!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Top 5 steam video games that I enjoy!

            Top 5 video games on steam that I enjoy.

                               (These are my opinions).

Steam is a video game software that you can use and purchase games that you then play. I have been using steam now for years!

5. Fun With Ragdolls

Fun with Ragdolls is a video game created by Jadon Barnes. 
Fun with Ragdolls very satisfying and entertaining because you can just flop around everywhere and be a complete mess! I think there is an update coming soon and it looks really cool! I rate this game 9/10. 

Image result for fun with ragdolls

4. Paint The Town Red

Paint the town red is quite a gory game but it isn´t realistic which make it really funny. there are a few levels it comes with, these levels are: Biker Bar, Disco, Prison, Pirate Cove, Saloon, and Sandbox. But it isn´t just that there are other levels in the steam workshop that other people have created! overall I rate this game a 9.5/10.
Paint the Town Red Steam'de

3. Terraria

Terraria is one of my favourite games because there is so much you can do in it. There are about 4,000 items in it now! it is a 2d game but it is really fun and interesting. 9.5/10 I would rate it.
Terraria Update 1.3.5 Brings Parity Between PC, Xbox One and PS4 ...

2. Descenders 

Desenders is VERY fun. It is a biking game where you can do stunts and every level is different! I have put about 50 hours into playing it and I never get bored. There are lots of different gear you can wear as well that make you look really cool! this is a 10/10 game.
Descenders - ABGames

1. Steep

Steep is based on a mountain and there are lots of different objectives and challenges that you can do. But you don´t
have to do the objectives. you can just mess around and ski down the mountain. there is also a rocket wingsuit that you can use that makes you fly! My favourite thing to do in the game is that you can fall off deliberately and roll down the mountain. I rate this awesome game 11/10.
Steep game guide: Tips to rule the Alps | Red Bull Snow

That was my favourite games to play on steam. hope you enjoyed. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Anne Frank quick facts!

Anne Frank was a person born on the 12th of June 1929 in Germany that wrote a diary through most days of her life. She died very young at the age of 15 years old on February 1945. Just three months before world war 2 ended! but still many years after the event happened people are still reading her diary!

I find it quite interesting finding information about her and her life let me know if you fell the same way.
Image result for Anne frankImage result for Anne frank

Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Crazy Catastrophic COVID-19 Poster! šŸ˜œ

 This is my Corona virus poster I made at school it 
says about my name, who was in my bubble, what I missed the most, feelings in lock down etc.

what did you like about level 4 lock down and what did you hate about level 4 lock down? Let me know in the comments. :)